PDC 2012

Rico Zook and Cindee Karns, instructors

Plus: Participants from around Alaska

Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 7 

Field Trip to the Dean/Harrison Farm 

Sorry---we were invited in to their homes and lives and hung out all day milking goats, spinning yarn, practicing using the reins on the donkey, petting the long horn Yow (yak and cow mixture), meeting the chickens and the rabbits in their nice homes and sharing homemade goat cheese with incredible friends.   We had such a fantastic day---words can't even describe it.  We honored their request not to take pictures.  So you will have to imagine it! 

Day 8

Several us jumped in cars and went over to see Nancy Lee Evans' house. 

Two years ago at this time, some of us in the design course were designing her home site.  

We had an incredible picnic on her deck and checked out her High Tunnel (which she planted on June 21st).  Check it out!